The HomeSchool Helper

Your Reference Place for Homeschool Help

A note to parents
Since we, as homeschoolers, believe it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children, we at The Homeschooler’s Helper advise parents to personally check out all websites included here before allowing your children access to them. Some contain information that some parents may not want their children seeing. Only you can decide what is appropriate for your children.

Homeschooling Parent Magazine Home Page
Homeschooling Parent

Rating: is the website of Homeschooling Parent magazine from Rick and Cyndi Simmons. A nicely concise site featuring brief articles to wet your appetite to read more in the hard copy magazine. The magazine itself currently runs $14.95 for a six bimonthly issues. Bulk subscriptions are available for homeschool groups. The site includes a moderate number of links of interest to Christian homeschool families.

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