The HomeSchool Helper

Your Reference Place for Homeschool Help

A note to parents
Since we, as homeschoolers, believe it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children, we at The Homeschooler’s Helper advise parents to personally check out all websites included here before allowing your children access to them. Some contain information that some parents may not want their children seeing. Only you can decide what is appropriate for your children.

Hewitt Homeschooling Resources  Home Page
Hewitt Homeschooling Resources

Founded by Carl Hewitt and Dr. Raymond Moore, Hewitt Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization concerned for the trends of society, family and health. They are dedicated to helping Christian homeschool families succeed from kindergarten to graduation. Upon registry at the site, parents can search out the course of study best for each child from the suggested resources listed. Many options are given and resources are available to be purchased from Hewitt. In addition to this information, families may for a fee embark on the course study program using the Hewitt recommended resources. Hewitt's strong point seems to be the accountability it offers parents and homeschoolers. Counsellors and standardized tests are available, evaluation tests are utilised and transcripts are available, as well as diplomas upon completion. Hewitt Homeschool Resource is a site not to be neglected!

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